Friday 4 January 2013


F, my husband, is a very intelligent man. He is also extremely insightful, incredibly pragmatic, creative and has an excellent sense of humour. It is important to mention these very colourful traits of his to give some context to our latest tête-à-tête regarding New Year resolutions. Without going into much detail, we debated around the advantages and disadvantages of making  a resolution versus setting a goal (short-term, long-term, it doesn't matter). The conclusion: Even with the best of intentions, the former is always very easily abandoned, while the latter is realistically achievable. He won.

My best wishes for an excellent 2013. ¡Feliz Año!
Ana Torroja, Un Año Más, from Mecano's 1988 album "Descanso Dominical".
Girados concert, with Miguel Bosé. Coliseo La Coruña, 2000.


  1. Good choices! And mine is to read your writings here regularly. Have I mentioned how thankful I am that you started this blog? Happy 2013 to you as well.

    1. As I am grateful for your blog. How incredible it is to be able to re-connect this way, after all this time.
      Love all your posts--I wanted to leave a message but for some reason, I couldn't. I'll keep on trying.
      I'm keeping up with my goals for this year, I have my post drafts almost ready, soon to be published. I need to get back on track.
